Baltazar & two detectives

(actualisé le ) par Mme Gasser

Principal characters :

  • Chips
  • Chnock
  • Mr. Hotdog
  • Baltazar

Secondary characters :

  • lady
  • 3 kids

Once upon a time in an amusement park, a man named Mr. Hotdog was walking looking at the attractions around him. Suddenly, he heard a loud noise... He started running to get closer to the place where the sound echoed. Once there, he saw a big tree, there were plants, and shrubs all around... Then he heard another explosion. A man with red eyes, wearing a cape and red clothes appeared. He laughed and disappeared. Mr. Hotdog heard people screaming and decided to save the victims, a woman and three children.

Mr. Hotdog and lady saw two people lying on the ground. One was small and had black eyes with black hair. He was wearing jeans and a black T-shirt. The lady and Mr. Hotdog walked to them.
 Are you alright ?
 Yes, thank you !
 Who are you and what is your name ?
 I’m Chips and this is Chnock. We are detectives !
 Have you seen anything suspicious ?
 Yes, I saw a man with a red coat.
 Did he look bad ?
 I don’t know, but his eyes were red.
 Red eyes ? Hum... How strange ! Thanks for answering our questions !

Everyone was looking for details when Chnok found a passage to a big tree. This tree was shaped like a hand with five fingers endowed with five superpowers.

Suddenly a man dressed in red appeared.

 ‘Mouhahaha... Welcome to my domain’ screamed Baltazar, the red eyed vanishing man.
 ‘Your domain ? But it’s a tree...’ Chnok answered.
 ‘A tree ? This tree will change the world !’
 ‘What is your plan ?’
 ‘It’s more than a plan, I’ll change the world with you !’
 ‘With us ?’
 ‘Yes, I’ll turn you and all the human beings into trees.’
 ‘Are you drunk ?’ Chnok replied.
 ‘No, I’m great ! Let the magic begin !’
 ‘I don’t want to die’ Mr. Hotdog yelled. ‘I’m too young to die !’

Baltazar threw seeds on Chnock but missed his target. Mr. Hotdog ran away while Baltazar’s foot got stuck into the hole where the seeds had been thrown. He suddenly turned into a tree. The planet was saved from Baltazar’s crazy plans.

Jülide C., Kubra-Nur M., Moniba K., Ozan K. et Soukayna B. (5e3), may 2011

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Baltazar and two detectives