A report on the Mills’ case

(actualisé le ) par Mme Gasser

Mr Mills was murdered on Monday 23rd in his office at 5:OO pm. He was writing an e-mail to his girlfriend when he was killed. The police says that it can’t be a suicide because the victim was shot from behind. After two days of investigation, three people were suspected. The first suspect was Mr Mills’ wife, the second suspect was Miss Pike, Mr Mill’s lover and Mr Ruben who owed Mr Mills five thousand pounds !
On the day of the murder, between 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm Mrs Mills said that she was watching a film at the cinema, Mr Ruben was driving to meet his associate and he stopped at a gas station and as for Miss Pike she was doing shopping.
Mrs Mills is the guilty because she went to the cinema on November 22nd and the murder was the day after. So what was she doing on November 23rd ?! The detective found out who the murderer was thanks to Mrs Mills’ alibi. She probably was jealous of her husband because he had a love affair and she didn’t want to divorce him…
Zeyneb C. (4e3)
Année scolaire 2012-2013